For the 2025 IDXC this will serve as your real time presenter bio information


Krish Kanakasapapathi, W4VKUwas first Licensed as VU2VKU at the age of 19. Was always fascinated by radio waves and built a pocket radio in 1982 to receive the Asian Games broadcast from New Delhi. Was also an active SWL for AM broadcast in those days.  Immigrated to the US and operated as W4/VU2VKU for a few years, later obtained W4VKU in 2003. He still holds the VU2VKU callsign and the VU citizenship, which makes it easier for access to VU. Has activated the islands around India for about a dozen times and recently was in Cuba as a part of the T42T multinational contest team and will be a part of the Faroe Island (OY) trip with a broader team in summer 2025.  Krish lives in Cary, NC and works in Cybersecurity product management

Activations: VU7LD 2006 Amateur Radio Society of India(ARSI) organized

  • VU4PB 2011 ARSI organized
  • 8Q7KP 2013 With VU2PAI (SK)
  • VU7KV 2013, First Solo trip to VU7
  • VU7AG 2013, Larger team
  • VU4K 2014, First Solo trip to VU4
  • VU4KV 2014, Larger team
  • VU4CB 2014, With VU2PAI (SK)
  • VU7KP 2017, Solo
  • VU7A 2023, Solo
  • VU4N 2023, Solo
  • T42T 2024, ARRL INTL Dx contest w/multinational team
  • VU4A 2024, Solo

Presentation - Saturday Banquet

Gene K5GS

Gene Spinellil, K5GS was first licensed in 1976 as WB5WFD (Arlington, Texas), and issued K5GS in 1996. His previous call signs were WD6DLK (San Francisco Bay Area) and KE6LT (Northern New Jersey and Boulder, Colorado). His DXCC totals are 354/340 (mixed) with all current entities confirmed.  Gene’s radio interest has always been DXing with occasional diversions into VHF/UHF repeaters, restoring vintage radios and the digital modes.  He was a team member on: 2012 ZL9HR Campbell Island DX-pedition, Co-organizer / treasurer for: 2014 VK9MT Mellish Reef, 2015 TX3X Chesterfield Islands, 2018 VP6D Ducie Island, 2020 VP8PJ South Orkney Islands and the 2022 TX5N Austral Islands DX-peditions.  A founding member of the Perseverance DX Group (PDXG), he also holds call signs VK2IXC and ZL1NA. He retired in 2012 after a 45-year career in the I/T industry. Gene and his wife reside in Tucson, Arizona.

Presentation – The DXpedition Funding Conundrum

Saturday, Track B, 13:45-14:25

George Wallner, AA7JV spent 18 months sailing the Pacific on the Magnet culminating in the activation of Jarvis Island, a top-twenty needed DXCC KH5, late summer 2024.

Presentation –Better Low Band Reception for DXpeditions

Saturday, Track B 15:15-15:55

Also, Sunday Breakfast - Pacific DX Saga – Getting Ready for Jarvis, N5J

George will recount the efforts to develop reliable satellite-based internet connectivity, rapid deployment of Radio-in-a-Box (RIB) radio systems, and operating environments for blended local and remote, high-performance DXpedition teams that created tremendous excitement in the DX community. His successes will lead the way to future operations on environmentally protected islands that have been out of the reach for traditional DX-pedition methods.

Kristen McIntyre K6WX

Kristen McIntyre, K6WXhas been interested in radio since she was about 5 years old. When she was small she built many radio kits including her favorite: the one tube radio kit. She started in Amateur Radio around 1979 while she was at MIT by getting her technician's license. She built a 2m repeater with an autopatch to use while on campus at MIT. Somewhere in the middle of all this life intervened and her license lapsed. She has recently been re-licensed getting her extra ticket. She has recently held the call signs KG6OGQ and AE6KJ in rapid succession just prior to K6WX, a vanity call. She is now active on 2m, 1.2GHz and is active on HF with an Elecraft K2 she built while on vacation visiting her mother. Kristen often does her HF-ing mobile with the K2 and a hamstick or from her apartment with a homebrew helical vertical dipole and an IC-7600 driving an AL-811H.  These days she loves to chase DX using mostly CW, and works contests from time to time.

ARRL Forum, Saturday 16:00-16:40

Don Miller W9WNV

Presentation - DXpeditioning: THEN vs NOW, Six Decades of Change

Saturday, Track B, 14:30-15:10

Don Miller W9WNV

Gayle Olson-Binder, K6GO, is a Past President of The San Diego DX Club, and is a member of ARRL Maxim Society, Young Ladies’ Radio League, Palomar Amateur Radio Club, Poway Amateur Radio Society, ARES, and VE for SANDARC, ARRL and W5YI.  Some of the most fabulous experiences of her life involve amateur radio:  her students talked to an astronaut on space shuttle STS 70 on July 18, 1995, she participated in a YL Dxpedition to PJ2 in 2011, where they were the first group of Yls to operate after the political change to the island, she was part of a YL Dxpedition to Montserrat in1993 before the volcano erupted. She also participated annually in IARU and NAQP RTTY as ZF1A. Outside the contests she is ZF2GO. Her husband is NA6MB and they know each other through amateur radio and their fight to change the antenna ordinance in Poway in San Diego County, CA. Gayle is very dedicated to getting Yls actively involved in radio as well as creating scholarships for young hams.

YL Forum, Saturday, Track B 13:00-13:40

Paul Ewing, N6PSE is a Silicon Valley Information Technology & Cybersecurity expert. Paul holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from St. Mary’s College. Paul was an early Internet pioneer running the systems, networks and datacenters for such Internet companies as eBay, Yahoo and Google during their early years.  Paul has been an amateur radio operator since 1982. Since 1992 he has been a serious DXer. Paul loves to travel and participate in DXpeditions.  Paul was the leader of the April 2010 YI9PSE DXpedition. Paul was the Co-Leader of the ST0R DXpedition to the new country of the Republic of South Sudan, July-August 2011. Paul was a member of the 3D2R-Rotuma Island DXpedition in Sept-Oct, 2011. Paul was a member of the ET3AA team from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December, 2011. Paul was a member of the 7O6T Team from Socotra, Yemen, May 2012. Paul was the Co-Leader of the 3D2C Conway Reef Dxpedition in September, 2012. Paul was a member of the XZ1J Myanmar DXpedition, November 15-26th, 2013. Paul was the Co-Leader of the March 2015 DXpedition to Eritrea, as E30FB.  Paul was the Co-Leader of the January, 2016 Dxpeditions VP8STI-South Sandwich and VP8SGI-South Georgia Islands.  Paul has operated from Turkey, Egypt, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Montenegro and the Falkland Islands. Paul enjoyed his visit to Mount Athos and conversation with Monk Apollo in 2012.  Paul is a Life member of the ARRL and an A-1 Operator. Paul supports the NCDXF and INDEXA.  Paul is the ARRL Pacific Division Representative on the DX Advisory Committee. (DXAC).  Paul is the founder of the Intrepid-DX Group (, Paul is a member of the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association, Northern California DX Club, Utah DX Association, Araucaria DX Group and the World-Wide DX Group. Paul was honored by the Northern California DX Club as their DXer of the Year for 2012, 2016 and 2017.  Paul travelled extensively throughout the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and Iran in 2015 and and has provided opinions and commentary to various media organizations. Paul is on the DXCC Honor Roll and has Nine Band DXCC.

IDXC 2025 Co-Chairman

DX Academy Chair

Presentation - How to organize a DXpeditions to the hard and rare entities

Saturday, Track C 15:15-15:55

Also, Saturday DX Forum


Ned Stearns, AA7Awas first licensed in August 1963 at age 12 as WN8JWY. Ned currently lives in Phoenix, AZ and is active on all amateur bands up to 23 cm. He is active in DXing, contesting and VHF/UHF weak signal work. He has been on 30 DXpeditions on all continents including four to Top Ten Needed DX entities (Kingman Reef 2000, South Sandwich 2016, South Georgia 2016 and Baker Island 2018). He was also the first ever to accomplish DXCC on 11 amateur bands (160 thru 2 meters).  He is a four-time past-President of Central Arizona DX Association, Director of the Northern California DX Foundation and is the ARRL Southwestern Division Vice Director. Ned was inducted into the CQ Magazine DX Hall of Fame in 2020. He is retired from GD where he was a Systems Engineer for 41 years. He is currently busy building several remote ham radio stations in AZ to expand his operating capability.

IDXC 2025 Co-Chairman

Presentation – Introduction and Overview

Clay Cougar, N5YJZ grew up in southwest Oklahoma in a small farming community. I developed a casual attachment to ham radio when I was in college at Oklahoma State Univ. I dropout of the hobby in 1999 when I move to San Jose, California. In summer of 2016 I return to get involved in providing emergency communication. My favorite parts of the hobby is building and spending money. I have BS in Electrical Engineering Technology. I am now retired after being a delivery driver, wheat truck driver, IT engineer, and a program Manager.

IDXC 2025 Co-Chairman

Jeff Wandling W7BRS-2024

Jeff Wandling, W7BRSis a semi-retired avionics engineer. A husband to Christina and father to his son Nick.  His call W7BRS has been in the family since 1931.  He pursues DX, plans new DX'peditions and makes new friends with amateur radio, Contesting, DX'ing.  He is an author, member of the Western Washington DX Club.  If all plans go well, he will be on Bouvet 3Y0K in 2026 and Peter I 3Y0L in 2027 with the Delta DX Team.  Knock wood.  From his 2025 Visalia talk he wishes you find something interesting from his answer to the question "So, you want to go on a DX'pedition'?"   Another voyage back to the Pacific sounds like a good idea.

Presentation - DXpeditions: Turning Ambitions into Realities

Saturday, Track C 14:30-15:10

James Gallo, KB2FMH began Hamming and chasing DX in 1985 (he once had JY1 answer His CQ in ’86). Having been off the air since 1991, he came back to us in 2016 chasing DX and has accrued 298 countries since but didn’t get involved in Being the DX till summer of 2022 when invited to be an operator for K7K – Kiska Island out in the Bering Sea, with the Russian Robinson Club. Since then, he has dove in headfirst having gone to the Caribbean and South Pacific for DX / IOTA activations. He is a founding member of the NYC DX Association with his friend, and everyone’s in the DX community, KO8SCA, Adrian. He is also very active with the explosive POTA program, as one of the global administrators and specifically as the DX Liaison, working closely with Expedition teams to bring qualifying rare DX locations into the program for the benefit of the now 70,000 plus members worldwide. He is currently working on some other adventures to Africa and distant Islands and is the pilot / media person for the coming Bouvet (2026) and Peter 1 (2027) expeditions organized by Ken, LA7GIA in Norway.
Aside from DXing James does many Special Event operations, most notably the largest international event for World Autism Awareness in April with operators in over 30 countries as well as at the West Point Military Academy for their annual Scout Jamboree where up to 7,000 Scouts from around the world gather for a weekend of fun and learning special skills from the Cadets there. He is also one of the operators for the popular 13 Colonies and 12 Days of Christmas events to list a few. Being an SSB op, or Talker, James knows how to tell a story that will captivate any audience, make sure to be in the room for his presentation.

Presentation – XT2MD DXpedition – An American’s visit to Third-World Africa (They said not to go!)

Saturday, Track C 13:45-14:25


Chris Tate, N6WMTechnologist, DXpeditioneer, Radiosport Author (CQ magazine/QST magazine), Competitive level radiosport/contest operator.  Recently operated under the following calls, N6WM,WV6I, ZF2CT, ZF1A, KH6/N6WM,VP6D, N6RO, NR6O.  2018 Team member VP6D Ducie Island DXpedition.   Awards include: 8BDXCC(5B+12/17/30)/WAZ/5BWAS/Triple Play WAS/1500 Challenge etc. etc.

Contest Academy Chair


Bob Wilson, N6TV"TV Bob" is a CW contester, Elecraft enthusiast, and Win-Test supporter.  Licensed for 50 years, Bob competed at the World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) three times, and finished first in the 2013 and 2019 ARRL November CW Sweepstakes from W7RN.  His home station is a single 89' tower on a small suburban lot with antennas for 160-10m.  The shack has two Elecraft K4Ds, and two KPA1500s.

He was a member of K2KW's original "Team Vertical" contest group, and has operated multi-op at K3LR, W7RN (K5RC), and NH7T (KH6YY).  Bob worked as a software engineer at IBM for 36 years and retired in 2015.

DX calls used include 4U9ITU, FO0KP, FO0WA, N6TV/KH6, P4/N6BT, YK0A, 6Y4A, 6Y2A, 4M1X, 4M7X, HC8N, and NH7T.

Contest Forum Chair

Bill Mader, K8TE was first licensed in 1960 as WV2RBF, Bill started chasing DX when he became DX in 1974 as KZ5WA. He found contesting a great way to work DX from the Canal Zone, and later Canon AFB NM, especially on 10 meters during Cycle 22. He now chases DXpeditions with vengeance since Cycle 25 has provided such good propagation.

Bill has been the ARRL New Mexico Section Manager since 2016.  He represents the Field Organization for ARRL Headquarters throughout the State.  A member and officer of the Albuquerque DX Association, he helps motivate members to get on the air, regardless of their antennas and equipment. He has worked over 100 countries in a weekend with just dipoles and a vertical and even worked DX running 5 Watts to a mobile antenna!  With this mediocre station he has worked 301 DXCC entities.

A prolific writer and presenter on many topics related to Amateur Radio, Bill is an enthusiastic representative of our great avocation.  His primary focus is to train and educate all current and prospective hams in the art of Amateur Radio to become better hams and have even more fun doing what they love to do.

Presentation - Tools for Propagation Predictions


Don Minkoff, NK6A was first licensed as a Novice in 1959 as WV6HYF. Don was drawn to chasing DX and contesting in the early 80’s but found that operating with 5W was also a fun challenge plus a quick route to winning certificates for contesting. The Heathkit HW8 was his entry into low power and portable operation in 1980. Taking a radio on camping vacations was as natural as packing a fishing rod in the Sierras or up in the Canadian Rockies. Smaller and lighter radios were built and taken on many hiking trips and even a cruise down the St. Lawrence Seaway.  Don continues to be active in contesting and chasing DX. A member of the Southern California DX Club since 1982, Don continues to pursue chasing DX and chasing new ones. Skills learned from many old timers many years ago has brought his totals to 326 worked. This DX addiction has also meant newer and more modern radios in the pursuit of chasing plus larger antennas and high-power amplifiers. A vacation to Maui was a chance to actually be DX with a newly constructed Elecraft K2. Later a trip to Kauai with a KX3 and trips to Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Scotland to operate as DX when not seeing sites. It’s addictive. Don holds a BA degree from Cal State University Northridge and spent 20 years in quality engineering and auditing positions in the automotive field of radio and navigation.

Presentation - A guide to working your first 100 countries

Barrie G. Britton, W6DX was first licensed in 1958 as KØWWG in St. Paul, Minnesota, while in his junior year of High School.  He built his first station using a home-made 5-Watt, six-meter AM and CW transmitter and a modified Hallicrafters S-38 receiver with a cobbled-up six-meter converter for the front end.

Solar cycle 19 was just peaking that year, and it proved to be one of the most intense cycles ever recorded.  Six-meter AM became a world-wide DX band, and Barrie became a committed DXer.

But life intervened, and ham radio soon took a back-seat to college and later to marriage and a family.  It might have remained that way had it not been for a ham friend who offered Barrie a chance to work HF on his new Kenwood TS-440.  Barrie made a few DX contacts and became hooked again!

Starting all over in DXing, Barrie began his march to DXCC in March of 1991.  That took seven months.  By the summer of 2000, he had 300 countries confirmed on SSB, running 100 Watts or less.  In 2016 he worked Heard Island for Number 339 and seven years later, Crozet Island became the last one: Number 340.  Today Barrie is still on the air almost daily, working FT8 and adding band-fillers and other modes.

Barrie is a retired aerospace engineer, having worked for North American Aviation, Autonetics, Collins Radio, Rockwell International, and others. He is credited with two design patents in nuclear medicine and over 30 years with the Boeing Company.  He is a Life Member of ARRL, a Sixty-year and Diamond Club Member, a Member of the Maxim Society, and he holds a No. 1 Honor Roll Award for Phone.

Virgil Silhanek K7VZ Color

Virgil Silhanek K7VZ moved from central Iowa to Arizona with his wife, Marcia, in 2002.  They began exploring the state on weekends, camping and 4 wheeling with offroad clubs.  Virgil passed his Technician in 2007 and upgraded to General and Extra in 2008.  Virgil has been involved with the 4x4 Ham club, leading a weekly net and promoting Amateur Radio to the offroad community.  He also joined the Arizona Repeater Association, contributing to the Technical Committee’s maintenance of mountaintop repeater sites, supporting public service events, and serving as President for 4 years.  Virgil has been a dedicated volunteer for the ARRL, notably assisting with the 2017 legislation that redirected radio license plate fees to the Amateur Radio Council of Arizona (ARCA).  He served the past 3+ years as VP for Central Arizona DX Association (CADXA).

Presentation - Generations of Ham Radio

Evan Silhanek KK7MGLearned his Technician and General licenses in 2023 after years of participating in ham radio with his father.  Evan has participated in the last 8 years of ARRL Field Day, been on a plaque winning team for the Arizona QSO Party during the last 3 years, and was awarded Amateur Radio Counsel of Arizona’s Young Ham of the Year 2023.  Currently, Evan is an eighth-grade student at BASIS Phoenix where he's a member of the National Junior Honor Society and plays cello in the orchestra. Outside of radio, he enjoys online gaming with friends, particularly Minecraft, SpeedCubing (solving Rubik's cubes quickly), and playing with his cat, Oreo.

Presentation - Generations of Ham Radio

Evan KK7MGL at FD24
Steve prof

Steve Allred, NC6R. I first became interested in radio around age of 12 thanks to my Great Uncle (K6KLH/sk).

Next it was High School and my Science & Math teacher Bob Smith (W6GR/sk). Sorry Mr. Smith, I never did learn CW very well.

Then distractions happened and thanks to a driver’s license and girls, ham radio went on hold for a while.

Now fast forward to college and a chance meeting with a recruiter for Motorola. He told me that they’d pay for playing with radios…really? Awesome! Thanks to Paul (W5ANT) for all the late night mentoring.

Now its 42 years later and I’m still doing work as a RF system engineer & communications consultant.

What do I love about Ham Radio? Meeting people and making friends is truly great, but if I were really honest, it’s the rush of working an “all time new” DX contact and running a big SSB contest pileup at a fast rate! I guess I’m just a competitive adrenaline junkie.

Gregg Marco, W6IZTwas first licensed in 1968, Gregg is an avid DXer, DXpeditioner and occasional contester. A veteran of numerous DXPeditions, He is #1 DXCC Honor Roll with 349 DXCC entities confirmed and achieved 10 band DXCC. Over the past 30 years Gregg has operated as BV/W6IZT, TI/W6IZT, K5D, FS/W6IZT, PJ7/W6IZT, HK0NA, PJ2T, C6AGU, C6AZT, KH6/W6IZT, PJ6A, PJ6/W6IZT, K1N, 3Y0Z, VP6R, VP6A, JW0A, 9X4X, and 3D2Y. Gregg has participated on 4 teams that have received the prestigious SWODXA DXpedition of the Year award.

Most recently, Gregg has been focused on the development of the NexGenRiB, a self-contained Radio in a Box that supports both local and remote DXpedition operations. The NexGen RiB is the cornerstone of a new mindset for DXpeditioning focused on reducing the escalating costs of DXpeditioning, while expanding the user experience without compromising the overall effectiveness of the DXpedition.

Over the past year the remote capabilities of the NexGen RiB have been leveraged to bring more young hams into DXpeditioning. In collaboration with Youth on the Air, over thirty young hams have had the opportunity to experience the thrill on operating a Dxpedition pile-up. Several of the remote ops on the 3D2Y team will have the opportunity to participate as members of the on-island team on the PJ6Y Dxpedition to Saba in October 2025.

Presentation - Enabling Dxpeditioning for the Next Generation - Youth on the Air

Greg Marco W6IZT