NCCC will once again host the hospitality suite at IDXC.
We thank them for their support!
Corporate Sponsors & Donors
These corporations have donated prizes to the convention raffle even though they can not attend. Please be sure to show your appreciation by supporting them!

Individual Sponsors & Donors
These individuals have donated additional funds to the convention.
Callsign | Frist Name | Last Name |
W3AB | George | Badger |
N6MIV | Marlin | Bates, Iv |
WW6D | Doug | Bender |
N6VR | Raymond | Benny |
NA6MB | Michael | Binder |
N6IC | Don | Bostrom |
K1ZM | Jeffrey | Briggs |
N1QV | Miriam | Briggs |
WC6SAL | Sal | Caruso |
Carl | Clawson | |
K6WA | Dave | Cooper |
N5YJZ | Clay | Couger |
N6HE | Ray | Day |
K9TAD | Terry | Dennison |
K6YP | John | Eisenberg |
N6PSE | Paul | Ewing |
N6TQS | Doug | Faunt |
W6AER | Lucas | Ford |
KB2FMH | James | Gallo |
KN6DON | Wendy | Haynes |
N7NR | Dave | Heumann |
K0AV | Alan | Higbie |
K7MY | Jim | Hoggard |
SM5SIC/OH1SIC | Göran | Ingemar Backman |
K0JJ | Jerry | Johnson |
N6SJ | Steve | Jones |
N6OI | Frank | Kibbish |
W7RH | Bob | Kile |
WA7BNG | Richard | Kile |
KD5QHV | Bernie | Krasowski |
K6CEL | Bennett | Laskey |
NA6XX | Chuck | Leader |
W6KM | Dick | Letrich |
G3WGV | John | Linford |
K8TE | Bill | Mader |
WA5VGI | William | Mcfarlen |
W6RJM | Robert | Murphy |
AC6SL | John | Nogatch |
K6GO | Gayle | Olson |
NN6U | John | Owens |
AG5S | Alden | Oyer |
KE4KY | Glenn | Petri |
OZ1RH - OZ5W | Palle | Preben-Hansen |
N7JP | Jack | Prendergast |
K7AR | Al | Rovner |
SM3DMP / W7ACN | Tom | Rylander |
AE7I | Craig | Sande |
N6WS | William | Shell |
K7VZ | Virgil | Silhanek |
Susanne | Staab | |
KF6I | John | Stanford |
AA7A | Ned | Stearns |
W6RS | Richard | Stempien |
K4ML | Ron | Tingle |
K7NO | Israel | Vicente |
HB9DDO | Stephan | Walder |
W7BRS | Jeff | Wandling |
W6BDW | Brian | Warshaw |
N7ELL | James | Wasson |