Huge thank you to DXegineering for their TEN $100 gift certificate donation and their continued support of IDXC!
Thank you to Begali Keys for their very generous donation even though they can not attend this year. Please be sure to show your support to them as well as others who donated when it comes to your future purchases!

NCCC will once again host the hospitality suite at IDXC and CADXA has provided additional financial support.�
We thank them for their support!
Corporate Sponsors & Donors
These corporations have donated prizes to the convention raffle even though they can not attend. Please be sure to show your appreciation by supporting them!

Individual Sponsors & Donors
These individuals have donated additional funds to the convention.
Callsign | First Name | Last Name |
WA7CPA | Robin | Amundson |
AI0L | Mark | Andrews |
W3AB | George | Badger |
KA6GEM | Paul | Bailey-Gates |
N6MIV | Marlin | Bates, Iv |
WW6D | Doug | Bender |
N6VR | Raymond | Benny |
K6KLY | Russ | Bentson |
K3NQ | Bruce | Bern |
NA6MB | Michael | Binder |
N6IC | Don | Bostrom |
K1ZM | Jeffrey | Briggs |
N1QV | Miriam | Briggs |
KF6LU | Andrew | Buza |
WC6SAL | Sal | Caruso |
WZ6X | David | Chan |
K7NO GUEST | Merry | Christensen |
WS7L | Carl | Clawson |
K6WA | Dave | Cooper |
N5YJZ | Clay | Couger |
N6HE | Ray | Day |
K9TAD | Terry | Dennison |
K6YP | John | Eisenberg |
AF6RT | Scott | Esters |
N6PSE | Paul | Ewing |
N6TQS | Doug | Faunt |
W6AER | Lucas | Ford |
KB2FMH | James | Gallo |
WU6X | Dennis | Gregory |
KN6DON | Wendy | Haynes |
N7NR | Dave | Heumann |
K0AV | Alan | Higbie |
NA2U | Fred | Hoffert |
K7MY | Jim | Hoggard |
SM5SIC/OH1SIC | Göran | Ingemar Backman |
K6JO | Levi | Jefferies |
K0JJ | Jerry | Johnson |
W6SC | Jim | Johnson |
N6SJ | Steve | Jones |
WØZB | Steve | Keithahn |
N6RV | Bill | Kendrick |
N6OI | Frank | Kibbish |
W6DQ | Dennis | Kidder |
KF6QNG | Lisa | Kidder |
W7RH | Bob | Kile |
WA7BNG | Richard | Kile |
KD5QHV | Bernie | Krasowski |
W6UC | Phil | Krise |
K6CEL | Bennett | Laskey |
NA6XX | Chuck | Leader |
N6YEU | Fred | Leoni |
W6KM | Dick | Letrich |
G3WGV | John | Linford |
K8TE | Bill | Mader |
AD6E | Alan | Maenchen |
WA5VGI | William | Mcfarlen |
K6WX | Kristen | Mcintyre |
W0PR | Larry | Menzel |
NK6A | Don | Minkoff |
W7SO | Jim | Monsey |
W7SUE | Sue | Monsey |
W6RJM | Robert | Murphy |
KN6ZZI | Warren | Myers |
AC6SL | John | Nogatch |
K6GO | Gayle | Olson |
KJ6HZ | John | Oppen |
NN6U | John | Owens |
AG5S | Alden | Oyer |
W7RAP | Rick | Paquette |
N4QS | David | Perry |
KE4KY | Glenn | Petri |
W6SW | Randy | Powell |
OZ1RH / OZ5W | Palle | Preben-Hansen |
N7JP | Jack | Prendergast |
K6ZH | Jim | Price |
K6JTA | Ron | Rose |
K7AR | Al | Rovner |
K6TD | Kevin | Rowett |
SM3DMP / W7ACN | Tom | Rylander |
AE7I | Craig | Sande |
K6JS | Jim | Selmi |
W7GCS | Gail | Shelby |
W7RIS | Michael | Shelby |
N6WS | William | Shell |
K7VZ | Virgil | Silhanek |
HB9DDO GUEST | Susanne | Staab |
KF6I | John | Stanford |
AA7A | Ned | Stearns |
W6RS | Richard | Stempien |
W6KC | Jim | Stockwell |
KB2S | Brian | Stucker |
K7BTW | Richard | Swanson |
AC6AC | Buz | Tarlow |
N6SPP | Eric | Thompson |
KD6HOF | Tim | Thorson |
K4ML | Ron | Tingle |
K7NO | Israel | Vicente |
HB9DDO | Stephan | Walder |
W7BRS | Jeff | Wandling |
W6BDW | Brian | Warshaw |
N7ELL | James | Wasson |
K6FG | Mark | Weiss |
N6KZ | Jim | Zimmerman |