Traditional DXpedition methods are being challenged by rising costs, prohibitive environmental constraints and growing restrictions on transportation services. As a result, many DXCC entities that perpetually sit at the top of the DXCC Most Wanted list will retain their position at the top of the list, denying access to DXCC Honor Roll for many until forward-thinking teams develop some novel solutions to address some tough problems.

In the past few years, there have been some risk-taking hams who have used modern station design concepts and remotely-controlled DXpedition stations to create massively successful DXpedition operations using new approaches to the DXpedition game. At the 2025 International DX Convention, the convention team will be offering an all-day event on Friday, 11 April, of the 3-day convention. A series of panel discussions and demonstrations will be provided to DXers, DXpeditioners, contest station designers and hams of all interests that will provide insights to where things are likely to be heading in amateur radio.

Speakers/panelists will include George Wallner (AA7JV), Bart Janke (W9JJ), Don Greenbaum (N1DG), Gerry Hull (W1VE), Bill Fehring (W9KKN), Gregg Marco (W6IZT), Ned Stearns (AA7A), Glenn Johnson (W0GJ), Kevin Rowett (K6TD) and possibly others. The following topics will be the focus of a series of 45-minute panel discussions that will be completely open to audience participation:

  • Mission analysis
  • Search for solutions
  • Distributed team building
  • Data networks for amateur radio
  • Radio system designs
  • Managing user experiences
  • Station integration and test
  • Pulling it all together and executing at a high level
Time startTime EndSession TitleHost/EmceePanelists
7:458:00 IntroductionNed Stearns, AA7A
8:008:50Mission Planning - Addressing ConstraintsNed Stearns, AA7AGeorge Wallner, AA7JV
Bart Janke, W9JJ
Don Greenbaum, N1DG
9:009:50Evoloving SolutionsDon Greenbaum, N1DGGeorge Wallner, AA7JV
Ned Stearns, AA7A
Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA
10:0010:50Distributed Team BuildingGlenn Johnson, W0GJDon Greenbaum, N1DG
Gregg Marco, W6IZT
Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA
11:0011:50Data Networks for Amateur RadioNed Stearns, AA7AAdrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA
Kevin Rowett, K6TD
Bill Fehring, W9KKN
13:0013:50Radio System DesignsKevin Rowett, K6TDGeorge Wallner, AA7JV
Gregg Marco, W6IZT
Bill Fehring, W9KKN
14:0014:50Managing the Operator ExperienceNed Stearns, AA7AGerry Hull, W1VE
Kevin Rowett, K6TD
George Wallner, AA7JV
15:0015:50Station Integration & TestGlenn Johnson, W0GJNed Stearns, AA7A
Robin Alexander, W7YEB
16:0016:50Scheduling and ExecutionDan Greenbaum, N1DGGlenn Johnson, W0GJ
Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA
Gerry Hull, W1VE

Watch for details on the IDXC website in the coming months. Consider attending this first-of-its kind event that will introduce you to the next generation of DXpedition and distributed/flexible contest station designs.