We are pleased to conduct the IDXC 2025 Major Prizes raffle. Thank you for your participation, which helps make DX happen!

Note About Raffle Tickets - California law prohibits the sale of raffle tickets over the Internet, either via the Worldwide Web or email. However, we are offering advance raffle ticket sales by phone order. Raffle tickets are sold in books of twenty (20) tickets, for $20 per book. Advance purchasers by phone will receive a bonus of four (4) additional tickets for each book purchased, for a total of twenty-four (24) tickets for $20. To order by phone (using any major credit or debit card), call Rich Seifert, KE1B at: (408) 395-5700, between 9 am and 8 pm Pacific time. If there is no answer, leave a message with your name and telephone number, and he will contact you as soon as possible.

Please make sure that your name and callsign is on the check so that the tickets go to the right person. Tickets purchased in advance will be included in your registration packet when you check in at the convention. Tickets will also be available for sale on-site at the convention, at the regular price of $20 per book of 20 tickets. Cash, checks, and credit/debit cards will be accepted.